Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2008 American Idol Concert

American Idol Concert 2008

brought to you by: Poptarts
special thanks to Carol Thompson for sponsoring our concert experience. What a treat!The show started off with Chikeze and went through the performers in the order that they were voted off of the show. Here is Ramielle, wearing a Paula Abdule inspired outfit. What you can't see in the picture is the leather pants, leather boots up to her knees and rhinestones ALL over her.

Here is Michael Johns. I LOVED his performance - I guess I was so in awe I forgot to take video :(. He will be able to make it big in the future, he was really entertaining. He sang We are the Champions, Dream On, and...another song that I can't think of right now. I loved all three of his songs, he is one of three (Brooke and Jason being the other two) that sang all songs that I LOVE. This made it really fun to watch!

Here is Kristi Lee Cook - God Bless the USA.
She is really cute but I wasn't too sad that there was only one country performer.

Jason singing Gnarles Barkley's "Crazy" this is the song he used throughout the entire tryout process - fabulous version!

Syesha has the cutest smile. Her hair looked great - I'm pretty sure it was fake.

David Archuletta was second to last and sang 4 songs, as did David Cook. His entrance onto the stage was up through the floor of the stage while playing the piano. I was even more amazed at how talented his is for only being 17 years old in seeing him in person.

David's 2nd song - Stand by Me, the version he sang on the show with "The most beautiful girl" mixed in.

David's third song was Too Late to Apologize - I really enjoyed this one

Last was David Cook, winner of American Idol!
My camera was too low on batteries to take video by this point but David did great, he is quite the performer.
This was SUCH a fun concert.
Reasons why I loved it:
  • it was so cool to see the performers in person
  • many of the performers did even better than on tv (probably because they didn't have the pressure of being kicked off if they didn't perform perfectly) *exception*Ramielle seemed SO nervous and was "a little pitchy, dawg"
  • I LOVED so many of the songs
  • it was cool to have 10 performers - many concerts have less exciting parts since one main group/artist has to fill the whole time, with the AI concert, each performer a limited time one stage so they never lost their energy and choose great songs
  • Arizona was the first stop on the tour - it was cool to be part of the first group to see the show
  • it was fabulous going with my Mom and Derek - 2 of my 3 favorite AI pals (Kelly is the 3rd but is in Colorado for the summer)
  • My mom won these special passes into the Toyota club where we got to go into the arena half an hour early and eat free food! It was great to have less time out in the heat and perfect to have free food! Yay Mom!
  • I love Pop tarts and Pop Tart Man


Randi said...
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Randi said...

That is so cool! It was good to see you in Colorado when you came to visit. It's weird to think the last time I saw you none of us were married, and now we both are and Justin is about to be. I love all your pictures. I was totally in to AI this season so I loved watching all your videos just now, too. It reminded me of all the fun my husband and I had stopping everything to watch it when it was on. Great post!!

Jenny said...

Hi Kacie and D,
Looks like the concert was loads of fun. I would have loved it, I'll have to splurge one of these years and go!

Kelly Merrell said...

Thanks for saying I'm your other fave AI friend. That means a lot, man. Hey, the video wouldn't work for me. Is it just me?

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