Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Weather Outside is Frightful

Winter is here and we are getting so excited for Christmas with
I looked out the window the other day and just happened to see about 30-40 elk booking it down the golf course fairway...in the middle of the day....so crazy.
My dad says that they were actually reindeer scouting out who is naughty and who is nice:
thank goodness Cooper was being good right then.

We also got our first big storm which was cool at first until
it blew like crazy all night, kept us up,
blew a tree INTO my parents living room roof...

yeah. not good.


Anonymous said...

He has the most amazing eyes...what a cutie!

Angie said...

I don't think I have ever seen a baby so animated at such a young age!!!!

Kelly Merrell said...

LOL. Those pictures are too much. Love it.