Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eating Adventures

As many of you know there are a lot of different ideas about the "right way" to introduce solids but the national association of people who know what they're talking about (I seriously don't remember the real distinction) recommends that you do not introduce solids until 6 months of age.
other guidelines agree that children should be able to sit up on their own,
babies should first be given rice cereal,
then veggies,
then fruit.
And the specifications go on.
Well, I hope those guidelines aren't too important

Here is Cooper trying his first foods...sweet potatoes
a few days before Christmas...about 4 1/2 months old
in his bumbo seat...because he can't sit up alone
I was upstairs helping my mom wrap presents when I received word that my dad was feeding Cooper the food that Kelly had prepared for Kai...without me knowing.

So, since we had already messed up those nice little guidelines we've since given Cooper pretty much everything....

his favorite so far...cantaloupe

which he loves more than ice cream

Yes, we know this because he has had both,

though he did REALLY like my cake batter ice cream from marble slab

Bad parents? shrug shoulders.
If there is anything I've learned from being a mother it is that :

A) it is impossible to do things the way you though you wanted to do them before you had your baby (actually, it's impossible to do them that way and not make other people mad/frustrated/think you're overprotective/hurt their feelings)

B) It is sometimes fun to throw the guidelines out the window. How did the pilgrims/pioneers/cavemen introduce solids? We may never know.

yes. i do realize that far fewer of their children survived...but they probably didn't die of ice cream

Think I'm crazy? Break one of your rules and see how much fun it can be!


Kelly Merrell said...

He he he. Mom's wrote that she had fed me rice and oatmeal cereal, bananas, applesauce and peaches by 4.5 months and look how stunning I turned out. She also wrote that I didn't take my first step till I was almost 15 months, but whatever.

Joseph and Kimberly said...

I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I want things done a certain way, but since I'm working for a few hours during the day, I can't have 100% control. **huff** We tried rice cereal the other night and got big grins!! We're coming up on 4 months, so I might give in and try some other solids. If he doesn't show interest, then I know he's not ready. Plain and simple, right?

Stacy said...

So here is the WIC lady talking swearing that she was going to do everything she had told her WIC clients to do...everything by the book. Well, so much for going by the book on some things.

Stephanie said...

Kacie, your little boy is so cute! I hope you don't mind that I peaked in on your blog. It seems like you guys are doing really well!

Wiltbank Family said...

When Marcus was about 4 months my dad gave him a piece of fat from a steak. He loved, I have a picture some where. And he turned out just fine.

Anonymous said...

It's good to know that I am not the only one who breaks "parenting rules".
He is a cutie!

DeEdra said...

Good for you. I hate it when the "theys" of the world try to tell us that you have to do this or that because....Who put the "theys" in charge anyway.