I've decided to spill the beans on how I get things done around my house.
Firstly, I have an amazing husband who provides for the family, AND helps around the house.
For this particular incident I asked Derek to help me clean up Cooper's highchair and floor after eating some crackers. Derek grabbed the vacuum (I would have grabbed a dishcloth...silly me) and had the mess cleaned up in no time...floor, highchair, and baby. Who knew how effective vacuums are on babies.
Well, Cooper is like his father in almost every way.
He is definitely my little helper.
No matter what or when the situation is, he is there to help.
Here he is reorganizing the refrigerator while I was getting the night's dinner ingredients out.
How perfect is it that when I needed to add a little bbq sauce, carne asada sauce, and ranch dressing to the spaghetti it would be right there in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Look how proud he is.
We recently put in a sprinkler system and lawn. Digging out the trenches was long hard work but having Cooper do all of the manual labor sure saved us $.
Here we have Cooper unloading the dishwasher for me...one of my least favorite chores. Easy fix, teach the baby to do it.
Cooper even helped his Grampy rake the pine needles in his backyard.
Here he is climbing inside the dryer to fold the socks.
So there you have it. I have a LOT of help from Cooper.
We recently put in a sprinkler system and lawn. Digging out the trenches was long hard work but having Cooper do all of the manual labor sure saved us $.
Here we have Cooper unloading the dishwasher for me...one of my least favorite chores. Easy fix, teach the baby to do it.
Cooper even helped his Grampy rake the pine needles in his backyard.
Here he is climbing inside the dryer to fold the socks.
Cooper loves the swiffer and broom the most. He knows right where to go to find them and gets them out about 3 times a day. He even knows where the brooms are at Grandpa's house!
So there you have it. I have a LOT of help from Cooper.
All of the credit goes to my incredible husband and my dear Cooper kid.
Hahahaha that was so cute how you wrote that! What a little helper!!
That is SO Cute Kase! As I was reading I was thinking of all the things Brynlee does to help. Shutting doors, (usually when I need them open), the dish washer, Taking the dog out, sweeping the carpet, feeding the dog (her left overs), and picking out her own clothes. We need to get these 2 together lol. I miss talking to you.
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