Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pregnancy Predictions (with belly pics)

There are only two and a half weeks left until we find out what we're having and I couldn't be more anxious to find out!
So lets have a vote! Leave a comment with your guess and lets see who is right!
(this game exempt in the state of California because I already know what Cullen thinks
and have decided that what he can "see" in the last ultrasound is bogus)
So we've been doing all sorts of tests to try to make an early guess.
We've got the classic yet ever so varied ring over the belly/wrist trick
Here we have Kelly as our control. (knows she's having a boy)
Now I don't think this test, as administered by Derek, was very accurate because he also believes this technique is equally efficient on men, which seems rather illogical as they are not the bearers of the children, AND he self administered the test to himself - very sketchy.
If men are as accurate as women then children must be as accurate as adults.
Carson was happy to give it a test. Result: inconclusive.
It was later re-done in a much more accurate style:
string tied onto a straight pin which is stuck in the center of a pencil's eraser.
My mother has always had the result of horizontal lines across her wrist her entire life.
My result was vertical lines over my wrist.
Internet sources state that in some circumstances that this would mean I'm having a boy,
other sites state that since it was not a circle, I'm having a girl.
Results: unsure due to conflicting information.
Other internet indicators:
Heartbeat is 155 - girl
dry skin - boy
my combined age at time of conception and the month of conception are an odd number when added together - girl
prone to headaches - boy
I have acne - girl
not much morning sickness - boy
when asked to present my hands I put them palm up - girl
and my feet reached the threshold of ability to get cold way before I ever thought about getting pregnant so that test is inconclusive.

So now that you can make a highly educated guess - go cast your vote!
Onto the next question:

Teacher Moment
Pop Quiz:
What do these three people have in common?

(Freshman answer)
they're all girls
(Senior Smarty-pants Answer)
they are all Flakes (Bridget by maiden name)
(Real Answer)
They're all pregnant!
Yay! Kendra announced that she's pregnant via Caron's shirt at Carson's birthday party and Bridget (Bup really) announced it a week earlier at dinner! I can't wait for my kid to have close cousins on both sides of the family!
Here is what we look like now:

This is what we will look like:
(pushing out our bellies - which I've always had a great aptitude for)
I must say that pregnancy is treating me pretty well. I do have headaches here and there,
mega tiredness, etc. but have been blessed with few other problems.
I have heard a lot about husbands suddenly suffering from the same pains as their pregnant counter-parts. Symptoms include aches, pains, weight gain, etc. While Derek hasn't had these problems he does seem to have acquired the belly!
(try-on belly at Motherhood)

Here is the official 15 week picture. The pink shirt ones above with the sister-in-laws is 16 and let me tell you....week 17 (which doesn't have a picture) puts those ones to shame.


Kelly Merrell said...

Hmm, pretty difficult to say, even with all your well researched evidence. I think I'm feeling girl, but boy would be so fun for me. I hope boy so that I may still have dibs to all the cute baby girl clothes that mom bought.

Ben and Krista said...

Um...I definitely think it's a girl :) That's so awesome that you will know in a couple of weeks, so exciting!

Randi said...

I'm so excited for you!! You're so cute. I can't wait to hear what you're having.

Andrea said...

Congratulations Kacie! That's so exciting that you're expecting! I think it's going to be a girl. I am not really good at guessing on these kind of things, but hey I have a 50/50 chance right! Congratulations again. Good luck with everything. I'm glad to hear pregnancy is treating you well. :)

Cody and Danica said...

Well its taken me FOREVER to find your blog! You're having a girl. No doubt about it! Congratulations!

Oh by the way...I just read every single post. It took me about an hour!

Brie said...

I am going to guess a girl. Sorry Kelly, you get second pick of the cute girl clothes! Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Bup and Bridget said...

Ha ha! That is hilarious that Carson was receiving the ring test. You are definately having a girl! Pregnancy suites Derek well!

Joseph and Kimberly said...

Congratulations you two!! I am so excited. you're going to be great parents, Did you hear, i joined the expecting a baby club with you, Kendra, and Bridget too! I'm due in September like they are. Hopefully you guys will be able to make it down for our once a year gathering after thanksgiving, it would be a plain ol' baby-fest!

Congratulations again!

Jenny said...

SEE!!! I knew there was a sack in the first ultra sound. I'm just catching up on your blog but I sure am sad we missed the ring night.

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